Zero Waste Challenge #3: Replace Plastic Straws

This should not be “replace plastic straws”, this should be “refuse straws”. While there are situations where straws can be useful (milkshakes, anyone?) or even necessary (such as with the differently-abled), there is otherwise absolutely no reason to be using a straw. The hygiene argument holds no water because if you ordered coffee, wine, or whiskey you’d be drinking from the glass or cup, so why do need one for your Coke or cocktail? Besides, if a restaurant is giving you dirty glasses you should be just as worried about the rest of the crockery and utensils they’re using to serve you, never mind what may be happening in the kitchen.

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Zero Waste Challenge #2: Say No To Plastic Utensils

The “say no” in this tip speaks to the fact that plastic utensils are often items we are provided with and not ones we buy. This can happen in a variety of scenarios but is generally down to takeout food.

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Zero Waste Challenge #1: Ditch Plastic Water Bottles

Ditching plastic water bottles is easy for me, because (shock! horror!) I don’t drink a lot of water. That’s because the “eight glasses of water a day” myth is misunderstood; for one thing, it fails to mention that we also get water from other beverages as well as fruit and vegetables. However, hydration is important, especially when it comes to exercise and hot weather.

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31-Day Zero Waste Challenge

Minimising waste is a big part of my lifestyle. As an environmental and sustainability writer, I do a lot of research into green and sustainable living, as well as continuing good habits I’ve been taught from a young age; and I’m always up for new tips, tricks, and challenges. The latest one I found was Earth Hero’s 31-day zero waste challenge. However, upon going through the list I found I did a lot of them already; so I decided to start with the last tip: encourage others.

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