
Zero Waste Challenge #17: Quality Over Quantity

This goes without saying, right? Whether it’s gadgets and gizmos or clothes and accessories, find things that have been made well and will last. That doesn’t mean it has to be expensive or that you won’t find quality items secondhand.

From clothes to furniture, try your hand at DIY. That way, you’ll also know where your materials are coming from and you can customise your dress, jacket, or desk to whatever size, colour, and design you want.

If something does break, repair instead of replace. If it’s beyond repair, make sure you dispose of the items properly.

Don’t subscribe to fast fashion! When and where possible, search for sustainable solutions. If you’re buying clothes (or even bedding) try to find items made out of organic cotton, bamboo, linen, or hemp. They’re better for the environment because unlike polyester and other synthetic fabrics, they don’t contribute to microfiber pollution. They’re also much better quality in terms of durability and longevity, and tend to have other advantages like doing a much better job at moisture wicking and temperature regulation.

These items may be more difficult to come by or more expensive but then look after the clothes you do have. Get creative by mixing and matching what you already own for a variety of outfits, instead of buying more. And look for timeless styles and designs instead of indulging in fleeting and wasteful trends.

Read more about the Earth Hero Zero Waste Challenge here.

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